Overview of Kids Digital U Summer Programs & Camps
Thank you so much for a great summer. This was the fifth anniversary of our summer programs. The summer of 2019 was, hands down, the best yet and we are only getting better. Come back later this year for information about our 2020 summer programs.
Overview of Kids Digital U Summer Programs & Camps
Thank you so much for a great summer. This was the fifth anniversary of our summer programs. The summer of 2019 was, hands down, the best yet and we are only getting better. Come back later this year for information about our 2020 summer programs.

Kids Digital U Summer Programs & Camps.
NOTE: It is our 3D Tech Camp (aka 3D Summer Tech Camp) that we make available over the February and April 2019 public school vacation weeks.

3D Summer Tech Camp
We have invested countless resources over the years to create a truly unique, as in genuinely one of a kind, 3D learning experience. Our legendary 3D everything tech camp for students aged 10 - 18 is offered over the 5 day February & April public school vacation weeks and of course every week over the summer. Students may enroll for 1, 2 or 4 weeks.

Virtual Reality Fantasy Camp
This is hands down the most "fun" summer program we offer. No Boston area program has invested in advanced virtual, mixed & augmented reality technologies for kids to our scale. Kids have a blast in our Virtual Reality Fantasy Camp using the fastest computer processors in the world playing virtually, no pun intended, every commercial reality game available today. This is an entertainment only camp. Simply put there is zero expectation of learning in our Virtual Reality Fantasy Camp.

3D Printing Camps
In our 3D Printing Camp kids learn 3D printing from scratch. Over 1 or 2 weeks we teach them basic to intermediate modeling skills for use in our fleet of more than 20 3D printers from 4 manufacturers. There is never a wait to get their projects started.

Building Websites With WordPress
WordPress is an incredible and as important free tool to build fully functioning websites. In our WordPress camp students will learn how to build a website from scratch using WordPress and free only plug-ins. Today 85% of website visits are done via mobile device. Hence we teach strategy for all devices (PC, tablet & mobile). Towards the end of the week students will have access to all of our commercial (and very fun) plug-ins to see what is possible with today's modern browsers. This camp is a must for students interested in website development.

3D Character Design & Animation
There is no program in the country (yes the country) that has invested in advanced motion and facial capture technologies for three dimensional character animation than Kids Digital U. We were a pioneer in character design & animation (including a contributor, and ultimately benefactor of, a KickStarter campaign for Perception Neuron). If your child/children are even only remotely interested in 3D character design & animation you must consider this program. This program is a blast too.

3D for Virtual & Augmented Reality
In this camp students learn to build a physics enabled three dimensional video game for the HTC Vive virtual reality platform. This is perhaps the most fun learning program we offer (and quite popular during the traditional school year). This is now fast becoming one of our more popular summer programs as well. Your kids will learn to build stunning games for the HTC Vive virtual reality platform including working bowling & horse shoe toss games. The technology is shockingly cool.

3D Summer Tech Camp
We have invested countless resources over the years to create a truly unique, as in genuinely one of a kind, 3D learning experience. Our legendary 3D everything tech camp for students aged 10 - 18 is offered over the 5 day February & April public school vacation weeks and of course every week over the summer. Students may enroll for 1, 2 or 4 weeks.

Virtual Reality Fantasy Camp
This is hands down the most "fun" summer program we offer. No Boston area program has invested in advanced virtual, mixed & augmented reality technologies for kids to our scale. Kids have a blast in our Virtual Reality Fantasy Camp using the fastest computer processors in the world playing virtually, no pun intended, every commercial reality game available today. This is an entertainment only camp. Simply put there is zero expectation of learning in our Virtual Reality Fantasy Camp.

3D Printing Camps
In our 3D Printing Camp kids learn 3D printing from scratch. Over 1 or 2 weeks we teach them basic to intermediate modeling skills for use in our fleet of more than 20 3D printers from 4 manufacturers. There is never a wait to get their projects started.

Building Websites With WordPress
WordPress is an incredible and as important free tool to build fully functioning websites. In our WordPress camp students will learn how to build a website from scratch using WordPress and free only plug-ins. Today 85% of website visits are done via mobile device. Hence we teach strategy for all devices (PC, tablet & mobile). Towards the end of the week students will have access to all of our commercial (and very fun) plug-ins to see what is possible with today's modern browsers. This camp is a must for students interested in website development.

3D Character Design & Animation
There is no program in the country (yes the country) that has invested in advanced motion and facial capture technologies for three dimensional character animation than Kids Digital U. We were a pioneer in character design & animation (including a contributor, and ultimately benefactor of, a KickStarter campaign for Perception Neuron). If your child/children are even only remotely interested in 3D character design & animation you must consider this program. This program is a blast too.

3D for Virtual & Augmented Reality
In this camp students learn to build a physics enabled three dimensional video game for the HTC Vive virtual reality platform. This is perhaps the most fun learning program we offer (and quite popular during the traditional school year). This is now fast becoming one of our more popular summer programs as well. Your kids will learn to build stunning games for the HTC Vive virtual reality platform including working bowling & horse shoe toss games. The technology is shockingly cool.
Why Kids Digital U Summer Programs
We genuinely encourage you to review these points in enormous detail with any like program you may be considering for your child/children.
1. Commitment to our program. We’re here all year while other area 3D tech camps, headquartered out of state, rent space for the summer and hire local public school teachers to run their summer programs. While we think the world of public school teachers we are personally & professionally committed to our success. They are not. Simply put we are certain we have more at stake than our peers.
2. Quality of our curriculum. We are full time developers and digital artists. We’ve invested enormous resources developing our programs over the years. Our staff has experience developing 3D, gaming & virtual content for major US corporations including Disney, EA Sports and medical device manufacturers. We come from the real world. This is why we were ranked the #1 3D program for kids in the state.
3. Lowest teacher to staff ratio (by far). We’ve never been more than 1 teacher for every 4 campers (we’re usually 1 for every 3). One like program actually boasts about their 1 teacher for every 8 students as their competitive advantage. Ask around. We provide plenty of personal attention to every student.
4. Lowest tuitions (by far). One program we know of charges $2,300 for two weeks tuition (versus ours at $1,490). This program hires staff from the same pool of candidates we sometimes employ and does not nearly offer the advanced systems we do nor provide nearly the personal attention as Kids Digital U (read #3 as well).
5. Professional digital media/3D projects. Kids receive non-commercial licenses to literally hundreds of professional 3D design & animation projects for their personal use. There is no summer program in New England such an extensive library of digital content.
6. We love teaching kids. Newton Animations/Kids Digital U was founded almost by accident. Our founder was looking for a way to invest productive time with his pre-teen and teenage daughters. It was so personal and successful others kids asked if they could learn using our exact syllabus.
7. Most advanced technologies. There is no program in the country that has invested in advanced interactive, three dimensional, virtual, augmented and digital technologies for kids to our scale. There is no program that has incorporated these systems into their curriculum either. We’ve invested over $200,000 in our systems to date. No where but in our programs will your kids have access to such cutting-edge technologies.
8. Largest 3D printing lab (for kids) in the state. We love our MakerBot 3D printing lab. Your child/children will share one 3D printer with at most one other student. We can do this because we can rent out our machines during the traditional school year.
9. Cinema 4D student licenses. All students receive an 18 month student license to Cinema 4D, generally considered the best 3D software in the world. We are the only accredited Cinema 4D program (for kids) in all of New England.
10. Breadth of technologies & disciplines. We offer much broader opportunity than any like camp. Some students come here to experience & learn virtual reality but then learn they prefer motion capture. Kids can do as little or as much as they please and change their minds daily. We love it.
11. Computer processing power. We maintain one of the largest private render farms with hundreds of processing cores to produce animation in minutes that would take days via a typical personal computer at home.
12. Our history of delivering more than promised. Every year we surprise our students with a large, unannounced investment in a new technology at the start of every summer. The summer of 2019 will was no different. Students truly enjoyed our state of the art mobile friendly augmented reality technologies. Wait until next summer.
1. Commitment to our program. We’re here all year while other area 3D tech camps, headquartered out of state, rent space for the summer and hire local public school teachers to run their summer programs. While we think the world of public school teachers we are personally & professionally committed to our success. They are not. Simply put we are certain we have more at stake than our peers.
2. Quality of our curriculum. We are full time developers and digital artists. We’ve invested enormous resources developing our programs over the years. Our staff has experience developing 3D, gaming & virtual content for major US corporations including Disney, EA Sports and medical device manufacturers. We come from the real world. This is why we were ranked the #1 3D program for kids in the state.
3. Lowest teacher to staff ratio (by far). We’ve never been more than 1 teacher for every 4 campers (we’re usually 1 for every 3). One like program actually boasts about their 1 teacher for every 8 students as their competitive advantage. Ask around. We provide plenty of personal attention to every student.
4. Lowest tuitions (by far). One program we know of charges $2,300 for two weeks tuition (versus ours at $1,490). This program hires staff from the same pool of candidates we sometimes employ and does not nearly offer the advanced systems we do nor provide nearly the personal attention as Kids Digital U (read #3 as well).
5. Professional digital media/3D projects. Kids receive non-commercial licenses to literally hundreds of professional 3D design & animation projects for their personal use. There is no summer program in New England such an extensive library of digital content.
6. We love teaching kids. Newton Animations/Kids Digital U was founded almost by accident. Our founder was looking for a way to invest productive time with his pre-teen and teenage daughters. It was so personal and successful others kids asked if they could learn using our exact syllabus.
7. Most advanced technologies. There is no program in the country that has invested in advanced interactive, three dimensional, virtual, augmented and digital technologies for kids to our scale. There is no program that has incorporated these systems into their curriculum either. We’ve invested over $200,000 in our systems to date. No where but in our programs will your kids have access to such cutting-edge technologies.
8. Largest 3D printing lab (for kids) in the state. We love our MakerBot 3D printing lab. Your child/children will share one 3D printer with at most one other student. We can do this because we can rent out our machines during the traditional school year.
9. Cinema 4D student licenses. All students receive an 18 month student license to Cinema 4D, generally considered the best 3D software in the world. We are the only accredited Cinema 4D program (for kids) in all of New England.
10. Breadth of technologies & disciplines. We offer much broader opportunity than any like camp. Some students come here to experience & learn virtual reality but then learn they prefer motion capture. Kids can do as little or as much as they please and change their minds daily. We love it.
11. Computer processing power. We maintain one of the largest private render farms with hundreds of processing cores to produce animation in minutes that would take days via a typical personal computer at home.
12. Our history of delivering more than promised. Every year we surprise our students with a large, unannounced investment in a new technology at the start of every summer. The summer of 2019 will was no different. Students truly enjoyed our state of the art mobile friendly augmented reality technologies. Wait until next summer.