Good afternoon and boy have you come to the right page on this awesome website. The real reason we are adding this content is because we understand search engine rankings are increased the more links there are to websites. Therefore we are simply creating links to every website we manage. We are not sure how well this will work but it is certainly worth a try.

If you are looking to hire a student or are a student looking for a cool job board you have to visit It is a job board for employers in the Greater Boston area. The site is secure so if you are one of those people who only visit sites with an SSL certificate then you should use this link:

If you are looking for terrific and well thought out 3d design and animation tutorials for kids and teenagers then you should visit Again if you prefer to visit completely secure sites then be sure to visit this one:

If you are looking for an 3d design and animation summer camp or summer STEM (science technology engineering and math) for your child aged 10 – 18 in the Greater Boston area then you have to visit Kids Digital U offers after school, evening and weekend programs and summer camps for kids and camps for teenagers in Needham, MA. The other website can be found at Your kids will love STEM.

If you are hosting a large party or like event and want augmented reality photo booths, digital graffiti walls and/or mirror me photo booth or even video flip books visit They also do online animation services. In addition they provide web design and development via WordPress, membership websites and online business directories. Social media management and social media marketing and facebook ads via their website at

If you need online animation including video for social media you have to visit On this awesome website there are dozens of pre-made 3D animations sized and timed for all major social media channels including animation for Instagram. You can also look at the better version by visiting

A News Toons from Newton Animations ( offers 15, 30 and 60 second narrated 3D character animations that you the customer write yourself. It makes a great gift for kids. Learn more by visiting them on this site as well at

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